Sunday, May 16, 2010

President Obama in Prague (April 2009)

President Obama addresses a crowd in Hradcany Square on April 5, 2009, touching on issues from green energy to nuclear treaties. (public domain)


  1. I really enjoy listening to this particular speech. I caught a portion of it about a month ago and I realized that he was speaking in Prague and I got really excited because I found out we would be headed there. Maybe not where he was exactly but to be in the area and experience that global connection with that moment is exciting for me.

    Also this particular speech elicits a few things from me and I particularly look forward to going to Prague to see if that excitement has worn off. It has now been around a year since the speech. I find it quite interesting regarding stark contrast the conservative American media portrayed the speech. I will look forward to getting a sense of what people think of President Obama a year later.

  2. Yes, the class will be visiting the very spot in ... where President Obama made this speech in 2009. See the later blog posting for more photos of his visit to Prague:

    President Obama also returned to Prague in April 2010. See blog posting at:
