Sunday, June 20, 2010

Day Five: Friday, 11 June 2010

The visit to the Prague office of the IOM today was my favorite during this week. Lucie Sladkova gave a wealth of information about the IOM in general, her administration, and the current projects her office is working on in Czech Republic. I was very inspired by her talk, and I have a newfound interest in the IOM because of it.

Before our visit, I had the idea from previous research that IOM was not directly involved in efforts against human trafficking, but worked through other NGOs instead to combat trafficking. I learned that this office does support human trafficking research, however. Upon further research after our visit, I found an immense amount of information through the website of the Ministry of the Interior, where reports on human trafficking dating back almost 10 years can be accessed in English. The IOM facilitated many of these reports. I plan to use them to inform my research for this class.

If anyone is interested, here are the web addresses to the IOM, Prague, website and the Czech Republic Ministry of the Interior website:


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I agree the IOM visit was a real breath of fresh air and offered some viewpoints I had not previously considered. IOM Prague appeared to be a well run organization with some substanitive programs.

  3. @Prime1789

    Yeah, I loved the IOM visit. I did end up contacting Lucie, who was kind enough to forward the English copy of the human trafficking study to me via email. You'll hear more about the study in my wikibook chapter.
