Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pres. Obama Refers to Tomas Masaryk

Photo: Czech president Tomas Masaryk (1918-1935) - a monument in Hradcany, Prague.

U.S. President Barack Obama refers to this monument to Tomas Masaryk in his speech at Hradcany Square, in Prague on April 1, 2009. He refers to Masaryk:

"... I've learned over many years to appreciate the good company and the good humor of the Czech people in my hometown of Chicago. (Applause.) Behind me is a statue of a hero of the Czech people –- Tomas Masaryk. (Applause.) In 1918, after America had pledged its support for Czech independence, Masaryk spoke to a crowd in Chicago that was estimated to be over 100,000. I don't think I can match his record -- (laughter) -- but I am honored to follow his footsteps from Chicago to Prague. (Applause.)..." [From Transcript available at: ]

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