Monday, May 31, 2010

2010 Referendum in Vienna

The citizens of Vienna voted a few months ago, (February) on these 5 questions. They were simply asked to vote Yes or No on the issue. It is called a consultative referendum which has not been used for nearly 20 years in the country.

"1. Are you in favour of the possibility to employ new caretakers (with a modern job description) for housing estates in Vienna?

2. Are you in favour of a comprehensive range of all-day schools in Vienna?

3. Should a congestion charge be introduced in Vienna?

4. Are you in favour of underground trains also running at night at weekends?

5. Are you in favour of an obligatory dog owner’s licence for dangerous dog breeds in Vienna?"


  1. A good example of direct democracy and having the citizens of Vienna decide on issues that have an impact on their lives.

  2. Great find! and I agree with the comment
