Thursday, May 20, 2010

Video: "The Abuse of Children is not a Peccadillo"

This video on the trafficking of children was commissioned by the Austrian Ministry of Youth and Family Affairs in co-operation with the Ministry for Economic Affairs, Division for Tourism, and UNICEF. It was featured in Austrian Airlines' In-Flight Video Program to raise awareness of the problem of child sex tourism.



  1. Disturbing video. But those types often are the best at informing the public of an issue. What year was this filmed? I dont have any formal background in film but the text looks 'dated.'

    Also I think its somewhat interesting that this was played on the plane because people evidently, and sadly can be traveling from one country to Austria to partake in this business. I think it serves as a good 'last line of defense.'

  2. On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 8:55 AM, Marion Mansberger wrote:

    someone posted a comment on the in flight video that you had out a link to in your blog.

    I wanted to reply, but have no functioning ID. Just in case it is not too time consuming, I would like to reply with the following comment. Could you possibly just paste it in for me....?

    The film was comissioned in 1999 and even though the text might be dated (how so???), the subject is unfortunatly not.

    The film was NOT shown on flights TO Austria, even thought child sex abuse happens worldwide, therefore also in Austria, but FROM Austria to destinations which thrive on Child Sex Tourism. Maybe also indicated by the white sandy beach and turquoise sea, which Austria is not known for...

    Thailand has been a country which has fought hard and intensly to combat this crime. See their approach on trying to deal openly with the subject on:

    However, what we see now is a "shift in destinations". Criminals act swiftly...

    Best regards,
