Monday, June 14, 2010

2010 Trafficking in Persons Report Released

Today the United States Department of State released its annual report on the state of global trafficking. It is a detailed look at what countries have been doing on the issue. Where have they improved, where have they fallen, and recommendations.

In the Czech Republic over the last year officials have increased the penalty for trafficking from 15 to 16 years. They have investigated over 40 incidents of trafficking which is significantly down from the previous year. In 2009 the Czech government provided $456,000 to help fight anti-trafficking in the country.

In the report there is also a reference to IOM which we visited in our travels. The report states
that "the database which IOM maintains shows among other things that males are more likely than females to be trafficked and traffickers are changing their methods."

The report is a rich source of information on the issue of trafficking, and on a side note, this is the first year that the United States has included itself in the report, with the intent to show the issue effects all countries.

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