Saturday, June 19, 2010

First Impressions Are Lasting Ones

Racism in Vienna is alive. It’s unfortunate that is was my first experience. The class was staying at a hotel at a very nice location in Vienna. Upon my arrival, which was a late one I was struck with a very odd warning by the night clerk. The night clerk was very friendly and checked me in promptly. As I turned to go to my room he got my attention and said “I need to give you a warning.” I was a bit alarmed but I decided that I should listen intently. He began to advise me that the train station directly across from the hotel was full of drug activity and that I should be very careful when catching the train. I thought to myself hmmm….I would not have thought that. But it gets more interesting. He then said that I could possibly be arrested. I could figure out initially why I would get arrested . He then began to explain that there were very few black people in Vienna. (I kinda noticed that already). Secondly, he said that the economy in Vienna is not as strong for some ( there was an obvious innuendo) and that people resort to dealing drugs as a means of survival. He then advised that the majority of the drug dealers in the park are Nigerians. They sell crack, cocaine, and other drugs to those who are trying to catch the train. The problem was so bad the policeman have targeted all Nigerians in the park. He advised that there was a good chance that I would be “seized” for questioning if I lingered in the park/train station to long. He then advised that it may be hard to explain to the cops that I really was innocent. The next words then struck me like a dagger. He said, “Your only crime will be that you are black.” Welcome to Vienna!!


  1. Oh my, that's awful! I remember you telling us this a few days later, but reading about what the guy actually said to you is very eye-opening. I hope he didn't really mean that he thought it was a crime to be black.

    About the Nigerians: I haven't researched why there's such a strong correlation between drug dealing and the Nigerians in Vienna, or what brought the Nigerians to Vienna for that matter. Did you ever look into this? If so, what did you find?

  2. I never looked into this Jen. It actually kind put a "damper" on my excitement about Vienna. But I got over it.
