Saturday, June 19, 2010

Foreign Languages (My Soapbox Moment)

I have to say this or else I will explode. As a global citizen, I and the rest of Americans must do better with languages. I have to say that I was impressed that in the Czech Republic and in Vienna I ran into very few people who could not speak English. However, I was a bit troubled that we as American have no desire or interest in learning another language. It certainly is not stressed. I'm sure that that particular mindset will be to our detriment. While in France, if I uttered a word of English, the people automatically switched to English. While in Vienna, if I were greeted in German and did not respond accordingly, the person automatically switched to English. When in Prague however, on several occasions, people actually tried to communicate with me in two other languages and then they eventually got to English. I was impressed and a bit embarrassed. I was thinking to myself "Forgive me for being the self-centered American who expects everyone to cater to me". I actually felt a bit dumb. Thank God for Professor Hanssen who is not like most Americans and actually took and interest in languages. She was quite a help while abroad in the area of languages. I did however feel good while in France. All of my years of taking French paid off and I was able to actually to communicate. So, to sum my ranting and raving up, we as Americans must do better or else as globalization continues to come more prevalent we will be left behind!!

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you! We don't stress learning other languages in America as much as learning a second, third, and forth language is stressed, really the norm, in every other country in the world.

    Being in Prague for almost two more weeks, I haven't encountered one person who doesn't speak English, and at least two other languages. I'm so embarrassed! I do know some Russian, but people don't like to hear that here. Even Russians don't speak Russian here. Everyone's been very kind to me about the language barrier, however. Czechs are some of the nicest people I've ever met, with a great sense of humor. I want to come back and stay longer one day. And speak Czech when I do!
