Friday, June 25, 2010

Why doesn't Blogger update us when there are new comments?

This is quite annoying to me. Some of the blog postings are very provocative, and some interesting comments are attached to them, but blogger won't send us updates to let us know that: (a) someone has commented on your blog, or (b) someone commented on your comment.

I think some of the interesting discussion is written in the comments, and I've contributed to them with my own thoughts. But how can people respond if they don't know anyone commented on their post? If you want to read comments, you have to go back and search in blog postings you've already read, and no one is doing this it seems. What a shame.


  1. Hey Jenn: thanks, I've started rereading now and looking for comments,

  2. I found an easy way to search for comments. If you go to your own account home page, you can select "edit posts" and a list comes up of all blog postings. It also shows if there are any comments to each post. Very useful.

  3. Nice discovery! Much faster than scrolling through the blog scanning for the small print that gives the number of Comments.

    It's also interesting that this "Edit Posts" tool enables you to make changes or delete, not only your own postings, but anyone else's postings. Of course, this would be a big problem if anyone could go into "Edit Posts" and vandalize or delete the blog, but this "Edit Posts" feature is only available to authorized Contributors.
