Sunday, June 20, 2010

Anthony Bourdain in Prague


  1. Interesting comments on communism damaging creativity and Czech cuisine that I had never considered. The pork is incredible, I tried some food from street vendors and had a great meal.

  2. The only traditional Czech cuisine I've had here was a really good meal of pork chops, mashed potatoes, and green beans. So good! I never eat pork, because I just don't really like it, but these chops were perfect, (and someone else ordered for me).

    For the rest of the time I've been here, however, I've bought groceries to save money. And here's where the Vietnamese element of my experience comes in. I found a super cheap Vietnamese grocer down the street from my hotel, and they have everything! I even bought a clothes line and detergent there so I could do my own laundry, (done in my hotel bathroom sink, ha!)

    Thanks for this video. I followed it to youtube and watched the whole episode in 5 increments.

  3. I feel a bit robbed in my culinary experience. I guess I was not too adventurous. I should have ventured out a bit more.
